Tag Archive: innovation
#MENTALWEALTH: Every BATMAN needs a ROBIN’ – Part II ??
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 5 Comments
#STARTUPLIFE: This WEEK on #ADMP → Following last week’s post, Derek and Geraldine Mair, the ‘Power couple’, behind the #Amazon N*1 Best-seller, ‘Choose to climb’ sent us an email with a few words for #ADMP and your sweet and lovable eyeballs: ” I am writing to you today to extend my gratitude and thanks...
‘IRON LADY’ S1E6: ANNE-LAURE, Dame Digitale d’Angers !!
Posted by Mireille Kooh on / 0 Comments
CETTE SEMAINE SUR #ADMP: Encore un portrait qui va vous époustoufler!! → En 2018, certains d’entre nous @ ADMP, se pincent encore, lorsque Anne-Laure David intègre le laboratoire d’innovation digitale de l’université d’Angers et se retrouve propulsée à la pointe de l’innovation académique dans le Blockchain et digital, de l’Hexagone Numérique Français!! L’Hexagone numérique étant...
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 0 Comments
THIS WEEK ON #ADMP: We do not do thing the ‘conventional way’. You probably don’t either. #ADMP has always been at the cutting-edge of innovation in Blogging and as a virtual incubator. This state of the affairs, started from our early days as growth hacker. You’ve guessed it by now. If not, we...