Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 0 Comments
THIS WEEK ON #ADMP: We escaped to a quick city-break on the Facebook continent somewhere between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Harvard University (USA); We wanted to get closer to Searchkey, the Searchkey team, and mostly
Aida Mandic, the ‘powerhouse’ behind the project !
“Aida Mandić is the CEO of Searchkey, Inc. and won over $150,000 in scholarships, several merit-based grants, in addition to full-ride scholarship offers from several top universities, totaling over a million dollars.’
She then went on to create Searchkey, an educational platform that helps students pay for their education and save their information in one place: As a result, she was featured on FORBES MAGAZINE as the FACE of the “TOP 30 UNDER 30”.→ Yeah, entrepreneurs are ‘nothing’ without their team! :))
1.#ADMP: Hello Aida, ‘The Million dollar girl’ -:)) , pray tell us about you…
AIDA MANDIC: Hiya! My name is Aida Mandic and I’m an entrepreneur, author, poet, coach, consultant, songwriter, inventor, and investor.
2.#ADMP AWARDS: #WoW! Multi-talented! Author? Poet? → We do have a bias on this blog for cryptoarts and flowetry, so can you drop us a line please?
AM: What? a poem like that? in the middle of…
3.#ADMP AWARDS: Your interview? Yeah..don’t worry, you can ‘FleX’ freely on #ADMP! Drop bars! … Go on, drop us a sample, pleaaase:
AM: Hmm…here we go →
I’ve always been a deep sea diver
Played by my own rules in life
Never understood all the hype
Behind wanting to be a certain type
Lately it seems like everywhere you go
People want you to jive with the flow
Roll with the punches, they say
Without realizing that I make my own way
ITW & Electronic counter-punch by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ADMP #Blockchain & StartUP Analyst
4. #ADMPAWARDS: #DANG!! #DropTheBomB!! We are now glad we asked…we’ll ask again, for the end of that poem at the bottom of this interview!

(Courtesy of AM)
AM: OK at the end…can we go back to..??
5.#ADMPAWARDS (Still bedazzled): Yeah…sure!… Let’s go back to our notes → What is ‘Searchkey’ ??
AM: Searchkey is an education technology platform and scholarship database that offers over $500 millions in funds for students, so they can make their financial and educational dreams, a reality by graduating debt-free.

(Courtesy of Alice Pascal)
6.#ADMPAWARDS: You’ve put your finger on a nerve: Student debt has been rumored to either explode or to be close to filling for bankruptcy in many parts of the globe, the US included!
If you can help alleviate that burden on millions of students, you could become the new…the new… ‘Lady of the Blockchain’?
ADMPers are curious to know how it all started, though..what’s your origin story, please??
AM: I got involved in blockchain when I was growing up. I was a very serious kid. Very ambitious for my age. I was probably 12 or 13 when I got more into reading about the blockchain. I used to be obsessed with finding books that were really ancient and that no one read anymore. Ancient and undiscovered civilizations fascinated me.

(Courtesy of Muzammit Soorma)
AM: I wanted to understand how people thought and why things worked the way that they do.
I bought my first bitcoin in 2011 or 2012. Not quite sure.
But I thought that bitcoin was smart, cool, and relevant, so why not do it, right?
7. #ADMP AWARDS: Yes, indeed! Let’s bring in the ‘ADMP chatbot‘ and its weird questions, just for you ! –>
Who are your TOP5 Artists of all time?

(Courtesy of Edgard Chaperron)
AM: (Without hesitation) –>
Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, and Leonard Cohen !
I was part of the Harvard University Humanitarian Initiative.“ (AM)
8. #ADMP AWARDS: Interesting choice! You are a ‘Lady of wealth and taste’.. ?? :))
AM: Wealth? Not really…I’d like to use your platform to say this – as published on Searchkey’s Facebook page ->
Searchkey is struggling with marketing and promoting on platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, radio, TV, etc.
If we received proper funding, then we would use it to reach students across the United States so that user engagement could be high as well as promote our website to schools.
Your funding would mean the world to us because it would mean that students could graduate from college, DEBT-FREE !
9. #ADMP AWARDS: Check the ‘Twote’ (Twitter + Quote) on the right of this text. –> A few weeks ago, ADMPer and community manager ‘Super-PAM’ Youbong found her ‘Business-match’, VITOMO a boutique-traveling plateform in Cameroon, after posting on ADMP Blog. So … who knows what could happen if you did the same??
→ Seriously, we are read by funders and VCs around the globe, so who knows? …convinced? not? …anyhow… Let’s go back to your book, then..
AM: #interesting! – Let me talk about the book too: ‘A Candid Aim’ is a collection of poems and songs that chronicles my extraordinary life journey as a Bosnian genocide and war survivor and bullying survivor.
10. #ADMP AWARDS: Deep stuff! We are impressed! ‘Creative thinking’ and ‘Thinking outside of the box’ are part of the entrepreneur’s arsenal, for sure…The chatbot is getting restless
→ It wants to know your TOP5 Netflix ‘M.I.D: Most Immersive Dramas’?
AM: You and your ‘bot’, are both…’lit’! Aha! I don’t watch Netflix though! #LoL! hahahaha, I’m serious.
I’m more into YouTube, Lifetime, Disney flix, PBS, and Mary-Kate & Ashley movies.
I’m nostalgic like that.. Lol!
Bitcoin was smart, cool and relevant, why not do it, right? “ (AM)
11. #ADMP Awards: I’ll let the bot know about its ‘gaslit’ habits. :(( – So…Let’s go back to the ‘Space‘, you have joined in 2012, when buying your first Bitcoin. We finish with the #Satoshi question, still courtesy of #ADMP ‘Super-Bot’–> Complete the following sentence…
… #Satoshi, is: …
- Santa Claus
- A man
- A woman
- A con-artist
- A spy
- A Ninja ?
Pick the RIGHT answer, please?
AM: None of the above! #Lol! Nah….Satoshi is female ! And don’t say I didn’t tell ya so, it is my favorite kinda news, the world needs more unique views, let’s have a woman become the next Howard Hughes!
#ADMP: Aida Mandic, ADMP shall love you and leave you, with these kind words!
ITW & Electronic counter-punch by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ADMP #Blockchain & StartUP Analyst
- Hermann Djoumessi, MA-Fintech social Media Consultant #ADMP
- Mireille KOOH,ADMP Senior Social media analyst
- ADMP Webmaster, Founder Vocalang
- Nassim Belouar, ADMP Senior Crypto-analyst
- Nassym Louradi, entrepreneur, Crypto-analyst
FOLLOW Searchkey’s social media:
Website: www.searchkey.us
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/searchkey-inc./
A ‘Candid Aim’s on social media:
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