Categories for #CRYPTOANALYSIS
Posted by admin on / 3 Comments
2ème PARTIE (2/4) Chaque bond technologique, passe sous la loupe des critiques, penseurs, philosophes, la presse, les religieux, etc… BREF, de ceux qui construisent la société telle que nous la connaissons. Dans ce travail, #ADMP offre à ses lecteurs un 2ème éclairage sur la compatibilité du #BitcoiN et la finance islamique,...
Posted by admin on / 2 Comments
1ERE PARTIE (1/4) Chaque saut technologique, doit à un moment où un autre passer sous le microscope des penseurs, philosophes, la presse, les religieux, etc… BREF, de ceux qui pensent la société comme on la connaît. Dans cet effort, #ADMP offre à ses lecteurs un éclairage sur la compatibilité du #BitcoiN et la finance islamique,...
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 4 Comments
PHENOMENON ONE is trying to break new walls in the Digital communication field ; Phone calls, Sim cards, transcontinental connections, Phenomenon One wants to become the next connection giant on the continent. Abraham Adu, its corruscant CEO, is doing his best to carry the project to the masses, targetting Africa and its rich...
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 5 Comments
The title might be a bit misleading. However, everything is possible within the Crypto-Ecosystem. Fast learners and smart people can get easily RICH, whilst trading and pretty QUICK Too! This guide is also for the Crypto community throughout Africa, who’s been scammed again, and again with what i call, the ‘MLM Bullshit’!. I will...
ICO: How to raise Millions in seconds with the Blockchain ??
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 19 Comments
As an initial public offering or the company sells its equity securities on a financial market, an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) allows a company to raise capital from multiple sources. But instead of issuing shares or financial securities, the company sells tokens (cryptographic tokens) created using Blockchain technology to raise funds for a...
#TECH213: Sit Down and Be Humble Ethereum?
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 6 Comments
Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform founded in 2014 by Vitalik Buterin. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum is an open-source project that is not owned or operated by a single individual. This means that anyone, anywhere can download the software and begin interacting with the network. Unlike the Bitcoin network, the primary purpose of Ethereum is...
#TECH213: The Art & Life of a bitcoiner
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 0 Comments
Les Bitcoiners sont une classe à part. Ces JeDi du XX1eme siècle sont, dans la douce poursuite de leur bonheur, motivés par une seule chose: L’exploration des mondes cryptiques et digitaux. L’argent désormais n’aura plus de frontière puisqu’elle sera immatérielle et dématérialisée; ADMP accompagne ce mouvement en offrant des portraits de ces pionniers des...
#TECH213: How #Blockchain Lives matter??
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 4 Comments
For some time now, there has been a lot of talk about the Blockchain without really understanding the ins and outs of this revolutionary and unprecedented technology. I will try in this article, to enlighten you on this famous technology. The Blockchain is a peer-to-peer technology for storage and sharing, it can be defined...