Posted by Mireille Kooh on / 0 Comments
Tunisia, Morocco and many other countries in Africa have built technology parks for companies and entrepreneurs. In West Africa, in Cameroon, the dream was brought to life, through the promoter of the SETI project (Technological Innovation Entrepreneurship Fair). His name is Raymond Kamsu. He is motivated and dreams of building a large digital village in Cameroon. The town of Kribi in the locality of Bebamboué has a vast space of 40 Hectares. It is paramount to offer a free zone to the Cameroonian companies through the PATIK by 2018. It is an opportunity for the private and public sector to think of a real development for entrepreneurs in Africa.
The benefits for the companies that will settle in this park are: O VAT, 0 taxes and 0 customs fees over a period of 10 years. No dream without investment. 126 SMEs and small businesses, 523 entrepreneurs and promoters will take place inside the Kribi technology park incubator.
To carry out this project, field studies are planned by a managing committee on the 21st of February 2017 in Kribi: IDI (International Development Informatics), JECAM (Jeunesse Camerounaise), a young national incubator, ADMP (Afrik Digital Marketplace) an ambitious Pan-African incubator, as well as technical teams from many fields.
Overall building cost will require 18 billion F CFA or 30 Millions EUROS: Building of technical and administrative units, power supply, optical fibre, creation of a 4 billion FCFA (6 million EUROS) investment fund. A global crowdfunding campaign is planned before December 2017 in Africa and internationally (Cameroon, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, USA, China, Turkey, Nigeria, South Africa, Morocco).
More about PATIK: There