Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 21 Comments
We were ‘stopped’ by a generation-defining moment in the short history of Social Media:
It was a post by non_other than the ‘Super-Disruptor’ himself, Mark Zuckerberg, the #Facebook CEO on his own Facebook profile for the ‘New stream media’ (Social Media), if you want, then followed by a series of interviews to ‘OldStream’ media outlets like the Washington Post and #CNN, on better ‘Government regulations of the Social Media space‘, too!
We did our bit, by sharing it, of course. But we were first and foremost impressed by its ground-breaking and ‘Era-defining’ wording –> Mark the Date (19 March 2019) as it was posted on #ADMP wall.
We will now attempt to break down for you, Mark’s words, with our own #ADMP ‘spin on it’, of course!
Electronic Counter-Punch (#ECP) by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ADMP Social Media Consultant
Mark, started with this: A privacy-focused vision for $ocial #Networking !!
The onus is clearly on him to resolve the current crisis on #Facebook, Social Media and ALL ‘Techno-cultural industries’! NO LESS! – Some call it a ‘Crisis’, when all we see as a regular technology-watcher, is THIS :
Basically, a ‘Baby-technology’, coming of age into a world that simply wasn’t ready to deal with it!!
…And let’s face it, #ZUCK takes it fair share of criticism along with the platform, like here:
From the ‘inferno’ of criticisms and sometimes ‘Hate’, could we get a #MESSAGE THROUGH TO THE BUILDER OF THE NEW DIGITAL CATHEDRALS?
–> QUESTION : Is it ‘Lack of leadership’ of our current leaders, or ‘Lack of vision’, or ‘Not enough Millenials in seats of power’? (#ADMP)
Once again, the technologists will have to take the baton and beat the drum of progress, Data science, ‘culture’, ‘Techno-culture’, Computer science, connection technology and ‘Big Data Management’ under one roof.
Yes, Facebook is quintessentially a ‘Big Data Management’ firm. But, it is also ‘Techno-cultural’ firm that influence BOTH technology and Culture (Content) in one place. Hopefully, one day, we would even find some therapeutic and healthcare benefits from it.
–> Being ‘Viral’ in the 21st century defines both the rapid spread of a message via technology or via the use of ‘Cultural artefacts’ (Like ‘Meme‘, etc..)
–> We can mostly agree, despite the contrarian voices, say in Kenya, that the ‘Menlo Park firm’ has done a more than ‘OK’ job at it, with a lot of highs and a few lows since 2010 and the Inception of ‘The Social Network’.
More importantly, if you refer to our latest post we explained that the first World Wide Web
(From 1991, until now) was by and large, an information network.
The #Blockweb will bring about a new network, working on top of the ‘Old’ World-Wide-Web!
(EX: The ‘Meme’ warfare artefact you see next, inspired that quote about ‘Geeks inheriting the earth’ –> Is it still true? if not, then we’ll have to BOTH agree that its cultural and exchange-value has either gone UP, or DOWN ! )
–> The #BlockWeB will act as a ‘value-network’, enabling the sharing of values between peers, or simply call it : The Internet-of-Value !!
→ It will help store, manage and transfer higher value content either on a peer-to-peer (P2P) basis or more widely, on a ‘peer-to-community’ (–> P2C: From a peer towards a ‘wide community’) basis
1. 1. ‘NEW SCHOOL’ #GDPR ??
- Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, and follow #ZucK’s line of thought, next :
Here, Mark praises the #GDPR, the new government-based regulation system of the Internet, born out of the EU. (European Union) –> #ADMPers will ask for an improvement on it.
Yes, an improvement on the model THAT WOULD TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE REQUEST and challenges of the 21st century around ‘Empowerement’, ‘Transparency’, etc… that will include those who know #FACEBOOK, THE BEST: Its USERS, its COMMUNITIES (Like the #ADMPers !!)
- The revelation of the late ‘Blockchain-GDPR‘ paradox shows exactly that: The first data protection act (regulation law) in the UK, for example, was created in 1998!! –> There was ‘zero social media’ and barely 20% of the population had an email address, at the time!
The #GDPR was designed in 2016, 18 years later, to be applied in May 2018, pre-Bitcoin, and pre-Blockchain and has no articles ready to deal with it, again…
Until what?
The ‘next scandal’? ‘Uproar’? ‘Podcast Hot-Take‘, ‘Cause célèbre’? ‘Web-Outrage’? ….
- For a ‘new regulation’ in what ?
– 18 years, again ?? !!
–> The ‘New school GDPR‘, should include the users themselves in a Peer-to-peer fashion, that will give responsability (in a BOTTOM-UP way) to all the actors on the web, including the Menlo Park platform !!
> TOP-DOWN decisions taken or ‘seen to be taken’ by ‘so-called’ elites groups or organizations EVERY 18 years, are less and less trusted by users, who want to be part of the decision-process, or at least, its design!
–> It is an obvious fact that the internet moves faster than its regulators, and is in dire need to be regulated, closer to ‘real-time’ usages.
The BEST decision for regulators is to focus on usage and regulate those as close as possible to ‘real-time’. Say EVERY Year, then every 6 months, or even every 3 months !!
–> This will suppose a computer-based system to regulate our internet habits:
We basically need the TOOLS to monitor the TOOL and the USERS !!
Data + ‘Human-based feedback’ should HELP us build better tools and better data-management overall
–> That is the NEXT CHALLENGE ahead for ‘Techno-cultural’ industries like social-media!
- We already implement that tactic when building #FaceBook Groups rules, and that usually lead to less dissent and ‘anti-social behaviours‘! – Although remember, that 99.9% of Facebook users DID NOT READ the Term of services, before login in…
It is not a critic of our current system, –There are ‘better Blogs for that ! – it is simply facts that we’ve come to notice amongst our platform’s and group’s users! :)) –
And then again Mr Zuckerberg added that, to summarize his thoughts :
** The focus on ‘Private interaction’ :
Let’s unpack, what he means by that: ‘High Private Interaction volume’ will trigger deeper means of connections between people via Facebook messenger and #Whatsapp and tomorrow #InstagraM
→ Content will go from sound, to video, to the storage and exchange of value (Fiat currencies, Token and Cryptocurrencies,..)
The Internet moves faster than its regulators ‘ (#ADMP)
*** The focus on encryption:
It will free the way for a Facebook Blockchain (Private or Public?) to time-stamp all interactions between users, but will also keep a censorship-resistant record of it, that could be verifiable in ‘Real-time’ from (potentially) any PC
→ This will be useful when it comes to settle conflicts between users – users and the Facebook platform – governments and users, corporations and users, etc…
End-to-end encryption will mean that even Facebook will not access some aspects of exchanges between users.
–> It is a little known fact, especially amongst ‘Data-Privacy concerned Cryptos’ that, the spread and high adoption rate of the early Bitcoin and crypto-community (2009-2017) did NOT happen via Television, radio, print, press or even fax!
→ It happened through Social Media! And, Facebook helped towards its adoption. A lot!…
…MASSIVELY, even !!
2.1. The importance of #Facebook in the #Blockchain adoption process ?
On the platform, you do have groups of 91 000 members like Bitcoin Cloud Mining, or here, Bitcoin South-Africa with its 25 000 members, but also Blockchain developers community and its 10000 members or #Blockchain India, here with 5000 members.
All in all, millions of peoples on the platform are members of ‘Blockchain’ or ‘Crypto’ groups.
→ From the ‘Digtal tribes‘ and ‘communities’ of buyers, to sellers, to the ‘Anarcap’ anarcho-capitalists, investors, VC‘s, ‘Stake-conscious Hodlers’, coders, crypto-panafrican, developers, ‘Cash-driven’ #Lambo-Kidz, ‘socially-conscious’ #Satoshists, …Basically, the ‘Entire Galaxy of the Blockchain Multiverse’ of characters is represented on the #FacebooK!
This is where the Bitcoin, Blockchain education is being done on a daily basis, almost 24/7, which contributed to the hyper-connected, and extremely free-flowing behaviours of Bitcoin and Blockchain communities online and offline!
Today, those communities are slowly moving towards the #Telegram app, by the way! : Not a good thing for #FacebooK, if you ask us!
** Reducing permanence :
It means that ‘Reducing message permanence’ should increase ‘User safety’, by ensuring that messages get deleted after a certain period of time, or the ‘platform’ will give you a ‘Message Longevity’ option, available each time, you post on Facebook or Messenger, or #Whatsapp.
→ It will be interesting to see which option will win the day (?) – Why not ask users? (It is just …Our ‘2 Cents’ on that debate, though)
*** ‘Physical and moral Safety’ is key!:
Jack Dorsey hinted at it on the Joe Rogan podcast (Of the #Youtube Conspiracy Comedy Circus’ fame).
Dorsey, the Twitter CEO insisted on the fact that #Twitter would not tolerate behaviours, or ‘behaviours patterns’, that would lead to harming its users community.
> That’s a fair position, right ?!
And Facebook’s decision to follow suite, should be applauded and imitated across the entire ‘NewStreaM’ media industry ??
An industry in this complex ‘Technotronic Age’, that has been able to produce ‘Techno-cultural’ startups with influence BOTH in shaping our culture, techno-culture, technology and how we actually consume cultural content.
No less? …
..In what?
..A Decade ?
Only #MARVEL did ‘better‘, it seems…
*** Interoperability:
Joke aside, MarK Z. wants us to browse the Facebook ‘multiverse’ without being stopped in our ‘browsing flow’ !
→ We should be able to ‘cross-post’ on #Facebook / #IG/ #Whatsapp!
–> We should also be able to cross-promote on each platforms.
→ We should be able to get better analytics and advertising tools too, that operate seamlessly on all three platforms and the future ones to come! :)) –
#WOoSAH !!
** Secure Data storage: A real push towards a solid Facebook Cloud solution !
–> One piece of advice to Mark : It would take way too long for the #FaceBook team, to really come up with an innovative solution in a field that is ultra-competittive!
You cannot improvise in that field: If you follow ‘Crossing the Chasm‘ the marketing guide by Geoffrey Moore, you have to be ‘Good’ from DAY1 of the data storage solution deployment, in order to generate the required TRUST in the system, and the community ‘Word-of-mouth‘, to make it ‘Viral’ in its early adoption stage.
–> The ‘easiest way‘ to greatly improve the service, would be to simply buy-out a startup that has been known to innovate in the field, like #Cloudflare or #Crowdstrike or attend the next #AppsAfricA summit, to buy the technology, rather than try to devellop it internally ! :))
Because of the staggering amount of Data and metadata created already and to be created in the future!! –> It will require a fresh and ‘Generational’ approach to ‘Big Data management’ as explained, below…
Let’s read, wait and see … ?
Let’s celebrate the ‘Generation F’ and the ‘Facebook Big Society’?
The rest of MarK Z. post has its interest, but we will leave that effort just on your camp! Let’s carry on debating in the comment section below!
To finish, we will admit that the #Facebook move towards the #BlockWeB Social Media is a very logical one, if you think about it!
→ #Facebook was instrumental and decisive in spreading the usage, the sale, the knowledge, the code, the messages of the #Blockchain and Bitcoin communities.
We will not leave you, without dropping this bombshell, though :
TODAY, the Menlo Park Firm is now taking a strategic decision towards #BlockcweB Social Media, based on, (or ‘influenced’) by those very communities, it helped create !!
‘Over-rated’ terms like ‘Millénial‘ in the West , or ‘Android generation‘ in Africa, or ‘Gen X’, however helpful they might be to establish a generation’s values and habits into the ‘Zeitgeist’ (‘Current trends’) do not lead to anything as ‘solid’ as ‘BIG DATA’ generated by a ‘Social Media network’ !
Social media networks are generational’, told me one of my students and trainees. I believe so too.
The ‘FaceBook Generation‘ or ‘Generation F‘ is a much more ACCURATE term, to describe the current generation in ageing vote , and at the peak of its ‘spending power’. In China, you would have to deal with the #WECHAT Generation, for example!
–> The ‘Generation F’ tag, is therefore represented by a ‘Big Data set’ created by an entire generation of people that include their habits, values, history, jobs, quirks, misbehaviours, business practices, actions, connections, familly, etc.…
Human beings are quite a complex bunch!! So, everytimes you try to put them in a ‘statistic’ box, they will almost do their ‘best to prove your theory wrong’ and escape your statistical box!
–> That is why you will have; Q set of people who will belong to BOTH the ‘WhatsApp and Facebook Generation’….
….Have connections with the ‘Instagram Generation’, for business or INFOTAINMENT reasons, and be connected , or as ‘Adjacent‘ to the #Wechat generation’, for touristic reasons !! ….
Generation F‘ is a term that describes the current generation’s dataset of values, habits and behaviours, more accurately than expressions like ‘Millénial’ or ‘Generation X, currently do:
Well...Welcome to MARK’s world: This is the sort of complexity he has to deal with on a regular basis! –> And everyone expected him or his teams, to come up with the ‘right answer’?
–> To us, ADMPers, BIG DATA and METADATA management looks like the BIGGEST CHALLENGE of the 21st CENTURY, period!
Because the ‘next generation’, the #TikToK (The ‘next BIG THING in Social Media?) or whatever ‘Generation’ will produce an even more insane amount of data!
–> We, at least, owe it to them, to not REPEAT the MISTAKES of the past, and to provide the ‘begininig of a solution’ to that ‘burning issue’ !!
‘The Geek shall inherit the earth’ (Seen many times, over on the Internet)
→ A technotronic behaviour or ‘social media phenomenon’ we dubbed as the ‘Facebook Big Society’, on this #Linkedin post a few years ago!
CHECK IT OUT! Pray tell us what do you make of ALL this, and let’s carry on debating below this post, in the Comment section!!
Electronic Counter-Punch (#ECP) by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ADMP Social Media Consultant
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Great! Il faudrait préparer les internautes à cette revolution!
Que proposes-tu, alors? Par ce que…par où commencer??
Il faut en effet mettre sur pied les ‘outils qui vont monitorer les outils’ –> Mettre sur pied les outils qui fourniront les analytiques de ce que nous faisons avec nos données et métadonnées. Cela suppose que l’on mette sur pied un écosystème #REGTECH,qui va aider à analyzer, stocker, archiver où détruire ‘physiquement’ les données et métadonnées.
Cet écosystème alimente et évolue en parallèle avec nos usages, bien évidemment et prend en compte également la modération des requêtes des utilisateurs.
Tout à fait! :))
Qui veut essayer ??
Howdy, quick question. Do you mind disclosing which blog platform you’re working with and do you suggest it?
I’m looking to start my own blog (I’m hoping to build a reputation soon)
but I’m having a difficult time selecting amongst Squarespace/Wordpress/Wix/Tumblr and Drupal.
What do you suggest?
#WiX has ‘ease of use’ going for them, meaning that setup and design are widely handled by them and you could get going very fast ! …. But further up into your practice, you might be disappointed by ‘poor’ performance, later…
So SEASON1 (1 Calendar year of the 12 months worth of sales or storytelling on a website) is great with Wix, but SEASON 2 and 3 of your website, will ‘probably’ suck…
#WORDPRESS: Has strong community support online and a lot of peoples ‘ready to help’ when stuck… But can be a bit daunting to setup and start !
SEASON1 will start slow then in SEASON 2 and mostly SEASON3, you will have a “blast” with all that technologies and pluggins available –> It is the biggest pluggins library in the known universe, period! :))
#DRUPAL is a bit like wordpress, but if you just want to do blogging, then it wouldn’t be worth your time as ‘Setting up and start’ can be a bit ‘daunting’, as #Drupal has very high ceiling, when you consider ‘complex’ website (With animations, E+Commerce, etc… ) going further down the line or your website’s ‘seasons’
SEASON1 will be tough, but SEASON2 and 3, might too! >> You might need some paid ‘help’ and ‘support’ – Depending on your ability to code – to accelerate your SET UP process to not be penalized !! But…hé if your concept or community requires that, you will have to oblige, of course ! :))
I hope it helped ?
Go with #Tumblr or #Wordpress ! :))-
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Let me know if you’re remotely interested – msg me.
Many Many Thanks,
#TeamADMP :))-
Please get in touch here: teamadmp@gmail.com
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methods and we are looking to swap techniques with other folks,
please shoot me an e-mail if interested.
Definitely we have a massive SPAM SnafU at the moment!
Very kind words from you!
Feel free to share our unique content!
Contact us here, too:
Many many Thanks! :))-
Needed to post you a bit of note in order to say thanks once again for your marvelous tricks you have discussed in this article. It was quite pretty open-handed with you to grant freely what exactly many people could possibly have sold for an ebook in making some dough on their own, certainly since you might have tried it in case you decided.
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I’m certain there are many more enjoyable opportunities ahead for many who view your website.
#Myspace? Is it still on??
Very kind words from you!
Feel free to share our unique content!
Contact us here, too:
Many many Thanks! :))-
I really like this blog post, thank you…
Very kind words from you!
Feel free to share our unique content!
Contact us here, too:
Many many Thanks! :))-
Dang, this must have taken u a bit of time to write – no small feat.
thanks for adding value to the internet (instead of adding junk like so much of the garbage I’ve been reading these days…)
Thank you, Thank you!
#TeaMADMP ! :))-