Dr Bagayoko’s Cyber-consciousness: From ‘Sahelistan’ with Love… ?
Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 6 Comments
THIS WEEK ON ADMP: We are a ‘premiering the G5 Sahel’ and Dr Bagayoko. >> Nothing political this week, as we just do not partake into that, but rather a portrait of one the lead cyber-security watcher in the region, made of the G5 countries of Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Chad.
More globally, you could call it ‘Sahelistan‘, if you included the G5 countries PLUS Southern Libya, part of Sudan, Southern Morocco and southern Algeria…
More globally, we would like to press the people’s attention in that part of the world, and elsewhere to one thing, that is “Cyber-consciousness“ :
- Which is the understanding of all the benefits, and ‘Dark side‘ associated with using the internet and its multiple devices and versions.
> #ADMP’s solution for the economic development of such regions will have to look at 1st, the primary needs and wants of the population, via surveys, etc…and then build the technological ecosystem to fix those problem in a smart, low-cost, and efficient way !
> In any case, the solution will come via a 21st century process that is ‘afro-agile‘ and fully compatible with the locals habits, practices, and traditions.
That is why we are introducing you to Dr Niagalé Bagayoko, electronic and social media influencer, academic, specialized in Defense and cyber securities questions.

Dr Bagayoko LIVE on TV ! :))-
That is also why, through the process of this #Thinkerview, we will sometimes be…
… interrupted by the ADMP chatbot, which is rather ‘blessed’ with a ‘Faulty’ algorithm, whom will explain her position on cyber-development, cyber-consciousness and cyber-awareness for the so-called ‘Sahelistan‘ …
Editor & Words: Crypto Social Media Tactic by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ADMP Social Media Consultant
Please, find below the interview…
#1. Hola, Dr BAGAYOKO ! :))-
#ADMP1: Hello Doctor Bagayoko! Please state your name and function ?
Dr Niagalé Bagayoko: I am the Chair of the African Security Sector Network (ASSN) an organization based in Ghana which aims to facilitate progress towards the achievement of effective and democratically governed security sectors across Africa.
#ADMP: Thanks, Doc! You can listen to her, on-air, around here on ‘Mainstream media‘: Radio France Internationale : (#RFI)
#ADMP: Knowing that Midstream media >> It is media provided from your local media.
#ADMP: Private stream media >> It is media often made of shared media, or ‘remixed media’, that is shared via individuals private connections (Including Social media platforms)
Or read the Doctor’s content, here too!
ASSN: The African Security Sector Network (ASSN) is a pan-African network of experts and organisations working in the area of Security Sector Reform (SSR).

– #ADMP2: Seems grand! What sort of work do you do over there …??
#Dr Bagayoko: Thanks…
I was organizing the security sector in Africa around democratic governance in order to present the most effective way of addressing most of African security challenges.
Especially, the so-called “Democratic Security Sector of Governance” which is aimed at improving state and human security by strengthening democratic civilian control, within a framework of rule of law.
#ADMP: The ‘Rule of law’ is important, especially now…
#Dr Bagayoko: Sure! … Add to that, respect for human rights by state and non-state security providers.

#Tajines by Thibaud Faix
It does share with the concept of human security, with dare I say:
” A Special focus on the safety and welfare of individuals, communities and population at large, including the overall legal protection of citizens’ rights”
#ADMP: That’s a mouthful! You look after people’s rights and their security, that’s it?
#DNP: Yes indeed! Add to that, of course, personal safety, independence and fairness, in and around the different judiciary and legal procedures.
#ADMP: In the court of law, then…There’s such a thing as ‘African law’…. That’s pretty awesome…
#ADMP ChatBot
#ADMPCHATBOT: Gotcha “Cyborg“! Sorry to interrupt! …But…as I was saying early on, ‘Cyber-consciousness’, is not some “wishy-washy’ theory, but rather the idea that once one decides to connect and use the internet, you would do so, fully aware of :
- 1/ The Data privacy risks, upsides and hazards associated with such endeavour, like ….
- Ex: Challenge for a 21st century government? >> Find a clear, smart and efficient way to store analyze and process your citizens ID in the 21st century, the way a country like Estonia is currently doing, for example.
“Cyber-consciousness”: The understanding of all the benefits, and ‘Dark side‘ associated with using the internet and its multiple devices.
- #ADMP CHATBOT: Point number 2/ The cyber security risks, upsides and hazards associated with such practice and technology, like …
- Ex: Some administrations have introduced National Strategies to Secure Cyberspace, against malwares, viruses, etc…which made Cyber-awareness, PLUS staff and population training in the 21st ecntury, one of its top five priorities
Ex2: Here’s a challenge for all Businesses, in your area, Doctor >> Find a clear, smart and efficient way to help businesses store, analyze and process datas in the 21st century, as proposed by the African Cybersecurity Conference
- </> Or, try to include “”collective Intelligence”, ‘Hackathons‘ and “Cyber Incident Response capability”, inside your procedures and decisions, as highlighted here, by Greg Rammego.

Yummy #WhiteChocolate
#ADMP3: Thank you, chatbot, for your short lesson on ‘Cyber-consciousness!’ Dr, ignore ‘her’ for now, please….What was your first job experience?
#DNB: I worked as a trainee at the French Ministry of Defense
#ADMP4: Wow! Impressive! But…”Dr Bagayoko”… Are you from Africa too, by any chance? :)) –
#Dr Bagayoko: My father was from Mali and my mother from France.
#ADMP5: Mali? #Interesting! Please, give us your TOP 5 African dishes (Including potential ‘Diaspora’) ?
#DNB: Aloco, Mafé, Tieboudien, kefta, tajine.
#ADMP CHATBOT: Yummy, #Tajines! The Kefta Mkaouara (Mkawra) is my fav !!
>> It’s a ‘World-class’ traditional Moroccan dish made in a tajine. Small beef or lamb meatballs are simmered in a spiced tomato sauce, then…
#ADMP: Chatbot, please...
#ADMP Chatbot: Who doesn’t like a good Tieboudien?
#ADMP: You’re a robot, chatbot! Ro-bots-do-not-eat !
#ADMP CHATBOT: Talk for yourself, cyborg! … To carry on the subject of “Cyber-Consciousness” and my third point…
You do have other risks and upsides, to consider, dear Cyborg :
- 3/ The mental wealth risks, upsides and hazards associated with such technology, like …
- Ex: radiations and #EMF, or Electro-Magnetic Fields could be responsible for potential illnesses, insomnias and allergies
- 4/ The physical and bodily health risks and upsides associated with such practice, like…
- Ex: You may do your yoga with a world-class teacher, watching a Youtube video by your fav ‘Guru’ !!
- 5/ The business, artistic, social risks and upsides associated with such endeavor, like ….
- Ex: Countless digital economy hubs, and ecosystems are being created from Korea, to China, to the Silicon Valley (USA), etc.. >> New Development models adapted to the needs of local populations in the G5 or ‘Sahelistan‘ area, will thrive in these asymmetric and disruptive environments.
ASSN: Founded in 2003, the network is headquartered in Accra, Ghana, with regional hubs in Juba, Nairobi and Johannesburg, and a smaller office attached to the African Union in Addis Ababa.
#ADMP6: Wow, another Chatbot’s ‘Truth-BomB‘! I’m totally gobsmacked, by your ‘ State of flow‘! … Let’s go back to the ‘good doctor’.. How did you get to work in that field?
#Doctor Niagalé Bagayoko: Previously, I did extensive field research on security in African Francophone countries.
I had also done extensive research in the ‘Western world‘ (United States, France, the European Union) and again in the field of African conflict-management mechanisms, focusing on the interface between security and development.
I was also a Research Fellow at the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD, France) and then at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) of the University of Sussex (2007-2010).
Then…back in Paris, I was able to teach at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (‘Science Po’).
#ADMP: WoW! What else… ?
#DNB: I have to add, that i headed the “peacekeeping and peace-building program” at the International Organisation of La Francophonie (#OIF).
And by the way, I have also worked with the United Nations, the African Union, Oxfam, Cordaid, African and European Governments, the King’s College of London, the G5/Sahel ….
#BMFA: BANGUI MAGNETIC FIELD ANOMALY : is the name given to one of the Earth’s largest crustal magnetic anomalies and the largest magnetic anomaly over the African continent. Bangui Magnetic field anomaly
#ADMP CHATBOT: Without sounding socially ‘Gnarly’….It is clear to me, that this ‘sister’ has a lot of Bangui Magnetic Field in her…
#ADMP: Whatever CHATBOT…! Please tune-in next week on this Blog for the follow-up to this fascinating interv… Well ‘Trilogue’ between Dr Bagayoko, the #ADMP Chatbot and Me ! :))-
NEXT WEEK: The follow-up and part II, to that fascinating TRILOGUE between Dr Bagayoko, the #ADMP Chatbot and Hermann Djoumessi, MA…
Electronic Counter-Punch (#ECP) by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ADMP Social Media Consultant – Google Analytics certified
** Link to the Dr website: http://www.niagale-bagayoko.fr/
- Mireille KOOH,ADMP Senior Social media analyst
- ADMP Webmaster, Founder Vocalang
- Nassim Belouar, ADMP Senior Crypto-analyst
- Hermann Djoumessi, MA Avatars HD Avatars
- Nassym Louradi, entrepreneur, Crypto-analyst
- Winnie Beyeme Avatar
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