Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 12 Comments

Pic: Courtesy of Alejandro #GARCIA
We double-up with another article about social media management, or should we say social media MIS-MANAGEMENT ??
This is the second part of our first post: ‘WHY you should fire your #CM! ‘
Yeah…the state of the profession is rather bleak, and someone had to step up and draw a line in the sand, between those who want to stay on either part of the internet revolution :
The ‘Analog Natives‘ Vs the ‘Digital or Android Natives‘.
Without pointing a ‘vengeful’ finger at anyone – we are structuralists, meaning we criticized systems, when they are not efficient anymore ! – we can definitely say that:
- Analog natives have setup analog systems of data management (Fax, telephone, paper folders, …) and seem to be willing to keep on utilising them.

Pic: Courtesy of #Debashsi Biswas
- Digital natives’ on the contrary, will have the ‘majority’ of their data management systems digitalized.
- ADMP has now a 2 years track-record of helping entrepreneurs and startups to get to fulfill their potential
–> We have over the years, come to realize that entrepreneurs have to deal with different communities throughout their path to success and the main question we kept asking them, was:
‘How do you keep track of all those faces, all those groups and communities, you have to deal with?’
- As ‘Digital Natives’, they tended to keep those contacts and processes at ‘mobile length’ in digital format. The back-up being on some apps, or social media networks, or online forums …
- The LOGICAL CONCLUSION: Was that a ‘Digital Native’ would manage all those communities via some sort of social media networks:

Pic: Courtesy of Radu Mihai
The financiers (via crowdfunding?) community, the staff community, the hiring of staff, the ‘transport’ and logistic community, the branded communities (customers communities, fans groups, Product testing community, Product feedback communities), the sales teams communities, etc, etc…
All communities would be fully managed via a social media profile, via social media protected groups (with encryption, when it comes to the financiers?), via social media forums, or social media networks that are internal to the company.
By definition, the community manager has a much broader scope or range of work than just social media marketing whose doxa or ‘common belief’ currently dominates the internet and the discourse on “everything social media”.
The community manager is the person who builds, grows, manages and engage with all the groups and communities that are necessary to the growth of a business, or organisation !
Moreover, we are stepping onto the ‘snake head’ of this dangerous corporate malpractice, that is the current state of the community manager situation.
To put it simply, and to…. shall we say, ‘keep it real‘:
You are purely and simply on the WRONG SIDE of the internet revolution … and on the WRONG SIDE of its Blockchain evolution, too ! :)) – (#ADMP)
Don’t get mad!
Keep reading what we have to say; Even ‘Dinosaures’ will learn something from reading our #ThinkPiece ! :))-
Team #ADMP will look at the role of the #CSMO (Chief Social Media Officer’) and the diferent components of a good social media team…
Please, keep arguing in the comment section at the bottom of this website, Keep LIKING, Keep sharing…. as below we will explain you ….
…Basically the #CM and Social Media manager team , you’ve hired are :
- Non-Efficient staff
- Unskilled staff
- Not in the right setup or working environment ‘Staff’
At the end of the day, all we are trying to do is to get you on the other side of the stick, that is currently beating you and your bottom-line! :))-
We are putting an end to your ‘WrongThinking ‘ and ‘WrongActinG’ at the same time !!
Electronic Counter-Punch (#ECP) by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ISCOM Social Media lecturer
#ADMP Social Media Consultant

Courtesy of Ahmed #Zohnii
The CSMO is part of the close team that reports to the CEO. It is one of the people in charge of your ‘sensitive data stock’, or Data assets.
Those data assets might be linked, one day, to a token being traded on crypto exchanges !
Those assets will in the future, be leveraged in any financial valuation of a company.
Those data assets might be linked, one day, to a token being traded on crypto exchanges !
The CSMO has excellent community management, content creation, content management and online community building background. The #CSMO has background in Big data management systems, business and corporate communication.
Or, the CSMO has experience in running complex social media Content Management systems, content creation, and corporate communication/ Online Marketing setups;

Pic: Courtesy of Austin #DisteL
They should be ‘well-treated’ and respected within any company, given their responsibilities. They need to understand and ‘agree’ with the company’s business model, too.
The CSMO will make sure that the company’s culture created by the company’s CEO gets into every employee’s smartphone and mobile devices, for example!
The CSMO supported by Social Media consultants, that are better equipped to handle say, legal issues (GDPR testing), or security, or social media analytics, or content creation, will put together a community (and communication) strategy for B2B, B2C, and P2P communication.
The CSMO will definitely : Supervise all content posted on the company’s social media channels, with his own Social Media editorial team.
Your editorial line reflects your organisation’s or brand image, reinforces the strength of your discourse, and ensures your credibility.
Defining your objectives is the first priority when putting together an editorial strategy.
It is ‘Business as a media, or media as business‘ !
This vision should permeate every conversations about your company, online and ‘offline’!
Ex: As a startup, it begins with narrating the steps, and milestones you’ve achieved, to get to, where you are now… Which is why a storytelling effort starting from the digital inception, to season1, and then, ‘season2’, etc…..is often the solution.
In any case, BE CREATIVE, when in that position ! :))
This is why we talk about EDITORIAL SOCIAL MEDIA !
The #CSMO will also need to :
A/ Assist the marketing department with their Social media marketing strategy

Pic: Courtesy of #FB Group
B/ Work with the SALES department to put together their social selling strategies and E-commerce setup on social media, using #Shopify, for example.
C/ Work with Human Ressources to put together the internal communication strategy via the internal social media CMS chosen by the company/CSMO
D/ Have to communicate with its staff, and will need to pick the messaging and collaborating tools (Between team workers) which are the most compatible with company culture, and company security requirements.
E/ Have responsability to oversee the content scheduling and content calendar, via #Hootsuite or #Later for example
A lot of the content you will find online about ‘Social Media’ are mostly ‘short-term social media marketing tactics. Social media content creation is a long-term strategy, that will require you to build and grow a Team social media and an editorial team, that will set the ‘content concept’ or ‘tone’ for the entire brand or organisation.
Ex: ‘Top Tips’, ‘Best Of’, ‘5 REASONS why you should change your strategy’, etc..

#ADMP Chatbot: ‘Disrupting’ #ADMP social Media Team, since 2018 !! :))
F/ Most importantly, the #CSMO will put together the ‘Editorial TeaM‘, that will be in charge of content creation and concept for the entire brand.
Do not get mixed-up with Social Media Marketing Content, that will require its own team too! Of course, they should work together, but it is not the same skillset that is requested, here !!
>> This is a ‘sensitive’ subject as it will affect the brand’s image for a long time.
>> An entire 1000 words #Blockbuster post should be dedicated to that topic, alone !
The CSMO will divide its team into at least 7 agile key components:
Let’s explain this graph above from the Borderline Creatives Bureau, and break down each components into social media team’s aim, the work of the social media consultant, and some aspects that will need to be considered.
Now, please allow yourself to delve into some serious ‘redpilled‘ social media:
A/ Internal or ‘In-House’ community management
Social media consultant profile and aim: Excellent community management and community building background.

Pic: Courtesy of Prince #Akachi
Equipped with a background in human ressources management and corporate content creation.
The aim is to enable, facilitate and grow in-house communication and to facilitate collaboration and contacts between working staff communities;
The social media consultant, the CSMO and the head of ‘In-House’ social media will work together to put in place this new protocol.
Task: The ‘in-house’ social media team, will setup a tool like Facebook workplace, or #Basecamp, or a ‘white-label’ app that imitates popular apps, or an API develloped ‘in-house’ …
Think about it as a kind of ‘Internal Facebook’ CMS made for business.
> Maybe, the social media team could be tasked to help the company’s coders collaborating over a #GithuB.
> Really? ‘Sky is the limit‘ in regards to the demands a social media team should be able to execute! All it takes is training and technical audacity!
As one of my students said to me, the other day: ‘Sir, there is an APP for almost EVERYTHING ! ‘
- We almost agreed…. :)) –

#ADMP Demographics datas per countries on 29/08/19
Therefore, the social media manager will be in charge or involved with :
- Implementing these new means of connections throughout the company or organisation.
2. Training the staff or raising its awareness of the new tools and their benefits
>> That is why we speak about ‘Editorial social media‘ when talking about one section of the social media team.
It basically refers to the fact that the social media team, will:
- Be focused on technical and training matters
- Be focused on content creation and distribution .

Happy Birthday to the #ADMP Facebook communities ! ‘ 4 Years and 20000 Strong ! #KeepGrowinG ! :))-
The Team of ‘in-House’ Community managers: We should expect them to have a strong human ressources management and community (Organizer) building background.
1.The ‘in-house’ #CM Team should always keep in mind, that they need to spread the company’s culture.
2. The team is positioned whenever and wherever necessary, in order to interact with your different (company staff) communities, as ‘freely’ as possible, according to company’s compliance rules.
3. The team want to foster meaningful ‘in-house’ conversations.
4. Ultimately, the team want the employees themselves, to ‘do the talking’ ! #UsersGeneratedContent
5. The team will have to build strong ‘in-house’ communities!
–> Tools like #SLACK, for example, are favourite with community managers for internal team messaging.
B/ External or ‘Frontline’ community management
Social media consultant profile and aim: Excellent community management background. Online community building background. Deep knowledge of data protection regulations. (Local and global = ‘#Glocal’)

Categories of #Social media measurement
The social media manager will setup the rules of engagement for his community management team, and will update them at the speed of the internet network updates.
This is the visible part at the apex of the community management setup, because it is dealing directly with the outside world!
–> >> This is what is known as ‘Mobile, or Desktop-community management’;
Ex: ‘Google core update’ of 03/2019 was confirmed by Barry Schwartz

Pic: Courtesy of Sandro #Katalina / Copenhagen Denmark
Tasks: This is the team tasked with dealing on the ‘frontline’, with your outside communities.
‘Cool heads’ and human empathy are requested to survive in the job. Taking breaks away from “any screens”, between shifts is highly recommended.
The ‘Social media Live Desk’ is the place where all social media messages are ‘centralized’ on social media walls;
The ‘Social media Live’ desk might be considered as ‘Hot’ in high traffic ‘prime time‘, which is your best time of the day to post, according to your analytics.

Pic: Courtesy of Social Media Walls
> The ‘Social media Live Desk’ might be ‘cold’ when it is not your best time of the day to post or when there is little traffic or engagement going on, on the social media ‘zeitgeist‘.
Nevertheless, you might need to use more social media automated posting solutions to interact with your community.
> The social media ‘live desk’ has to proactively start conversation, react and interact with your communities on a daily basis: #Reactivity (Short reaction time) and #Audacity are the keywords here.
- ACTIVATE YOUR COMMUNITY : Social Media Activation is how we bring experiences to our target audiences and bring our target audiences into our experiences.
- It’s a creative approach for which there is a roadmap and a strategy, but not a template; effective activation requires custom solutions, unique campaigns built for each social media experience.
- You have to ‘Electrify’ and will your community into responding to your content!
- Ex: You do not activate Youtubers, the way you activate Twitterattis
- –> Next week, we will higlight the need to find several diverse conversation starters for each of your social media networks, by your community managers, and why.
- ENGAGE WITH YOUR COMMUNITY : Social media engagement refers to what is going on during your social media posting campaign.
- It refers to the response you receive when broadcasting your message. It is the ‘LIKES’, the comments, …you’ve received after posting.
- Remember, we also highlighted the need to ‘will’ your community into engaging with your content, and to be proactive when online !
- Progressively, some of the tasks on ‘Frontline Community management‘ will be automated via chatbots or ‘Bots’ , with ‘Machine learning‘ algorithm training, or even via the education of the chatbots.
3D #SmileY ! :))- by Chaitanya #Pilala
- Education, that will also further the ‘Evolution of the bots’
- Meaning: The more the bot interact with the community, the better it becomes able to handle more and more complex requests too! …. SO ? :
The Frontline communitty manager

Pic: Courtesy of Luke #CHESSER
–> Is overseeing and interacting on a daily basis, with your #Youtube, Facebook, Wechat, etc…
… Which are ultimately, the contact points or some of the many channels, your company will need to use to create your communities.
Those interactions will help you gather analytics about their behaviour and opinion.
Branded communities can play many roles:
From product feedback, to fundraising, to offering ‘protection’, to voicing their concerns, etc, etc..
In any case, interacting freely with those communties help you optimize your content, your message, and ultimately your production, your action and to finish, your overall user experience.
–> That is why the social media team should rely on diverse backgrounds and have many type of ‘Brains’ to handle the flow of content traffic, the flow of requests, the latest malware, the latest trolls, etc, etc, …
The faster your answers, the better the flow of information between communities and community manager.

Pic: Courtesy of Campaign Creators
As we already know, it can be ‘high risk’ as a situation (see previous article – Part I ), but also ‘High reward’ too!
> Only training, regular skills and technology updates, will enable your team to become efficient in dealing with multiple channels, and able to handle diverse communities.
Training will also allow your team to ANTICIPATE the ever changing needs of your communities and the ever changing overall web-environment.

Pic: #Twitter’s CEO, Jack #DorseY
Social media conversations starter:
Social media consultant profile and aim: Excellent community management background. Online community building background.
Task: The Social media consultant will be helpful in finding
what would litteraly ‘electrify‘ your community !
–> Help will probably be needed for the choice and programming of chatbots for exemple!
The community managers –> Using field community management a tactic described in previous post, analytics and trend reports, find the keywords, hashtags and catchphrases that are relevant to your communities !
It’s time to #BeLit and #Woke ! :))-
Social media ‘prime time’: The best time of day, of the month, or the year, as provided by your own social media analytics, to post on your social media profile, for maximum impact and engagement.
(Click link above)
Social media consultant profile and aim: Excellent community management background.

Pic: Courtesy of John #Snobrich
Online community building background. Social media marketing background.
Task: There a few steps that you have to follow in your social media marketing strategy:
- Respond to your customers.
- Marketing is not content. It’s just marketing! –> Avoid being ‘spammy‘!
3. Post regularly 24/7/365 . Keep yourself relevant and consistent.
4. Take yourself forward and interact ‘physically’ with fans, beyond mere words.
5. Personalise your social media in a way that stays on topic, but reaches further afield.
There are ten of thousands of blogs all over the internet that ONLY talk about social media marketing management, thinking that it represents the entire community management ‘universe’ ..THEY ARE ALL WRONG! Or on the wrong side of the internet revolution, if you want…. #WrongThinK
But we won’t need to detail it, just GOOGLE it or click on the title above.

Pic: Courtesy of Dominik #SCYTHE
The #CSMO together with his ‘Head of social selling’ and a social media consultant will put together strategies and tactics to engage with leads, then further down the line the customers, and with one goal in mind:
The social media consultant profile and aim: will come from a social selling agency/ social media marketing agency with extensive data and analytics on customers communities, practices and habits.
The consultant will also have extensive knowledge of E-Commerce compliance rules and local Data protection regulations, like GDPR or South-African #POPIA2013, for example.
Moreover, the community manager and consultant will have excellent community management background. Online community building background. Online selling and social selling background.
Tasks: click the title link, above.
If you cannot afford a social media consultant in your ‘tiny’ startup, then please embrace ‘Low cost’ field community management as we described previously on, #ADMP blog.
–> Human beings are ‘fickle’ and with the passing of time or ‘life’, they often shift opinions. A regular monitoring of habits and trends via trend graphs like here in Algeria, for example, should be outsourced to ‘pros’ who’s job will be to solely observe and record behaviours, new trends and latest opinions shifts.

Pic: Courtesy of G. Carsten-Peters
When the community manager leaves its desk and physically meets its community, in order to gather keywords, hashtags, trend, emails, tactics, intelligence, and knowledge…
What type of strategies and tactics should the social media consultant in ‘Social selling’, be used for ?
Ex: One – Create lead generation, data collection strategies and tactics, for the sales teams
– Two: Using analytics, to map out your community/customer ‘personnae’ and profiles
– Three: Create engagement protocol that will sometimes include automated chatbots sometimes, working with small units of salespeoples, using social media channels to convert or ‘close’ their sales.
You should ALWAYS consider the strategy of the ‘Digital Inception’ to optimize your digital footprint on social media.
A strategy that in itself is based on 6 strategics pillars, we talked about in many of our previous post!
We invite you to have a quiet look at it and to reply to us in the comment section, as you’ve grown more and more eager to leave us a lot of kinds messages, this year !! :)) –
NEXT WEEK: We will explore the complexity of social media content creation and the role of the ‘Creative team’ ! :))-
END of part 2/3.
Electronic Counter-Punch (#ECP) by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ISCOM Social Media lecturer
#ADMP Social Media Consultant
- Hermann Djoumessi, MA Avatars HD Avatars
- Mireille KOOH,ADMP Senior Social media analyst
- ADMP Webmaster, Founder Vocalang
- Nassim Belouar, ADMP Senior Crypto-analyst
- Nassym Louradi, entrepreneur, Crypto-analyst
- Winnie Beyeme Avatar
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Merci pour cet article interessant! Il y a souvent beaucoup de polemique sur les reseaux sociaux pour eclairer ces termes.. Les recruteurs gagneraient a lire cer article avant de recruter du personnel.
Thank you thank you very much !!
Quellee est la partie que tu préfères ?? :))
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How are you coping with the #CONF19 ??