Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 8 Comments

(Courtesy of HerMann Djoumessi in Dublin)
THIS WEEK ON ADMP: As a first stop to our ‘unofficial’ world tour, we decided to stop in the city of Dublin at the FaceBook Gather2019 conference, on the 21st of January.
1.#WTF?? : Cad é an F*ck??
Yup! We were in Ireland, land of the FaceBook headquarters in Europe and ‘Beyond’…
Electronic counter-punch by Hermann Djoumessi, MA – #HMD
#ADMP Social Media Consultant
The Menlo Park firm has created this gathering of the finest ‘Data-driven’ entrepreneurs in order to network, exchange tips and best practices.
In their own words:
The mission of Facebook is to “give people the power to federate communities and bring people together” and the community of small and medium-sized enterprises is one of the most important on Facebook.
Wait! it carries on: “ You all play an essential role in creating and managing influential communities, with which you help and inspire thousands of business owners daily so that they can grow and develop….”
And to finish with: “..This community will be at the forefront of an important knowledge-sharing mission to help the development of businesses… ‘

(Airport Dublin)
Lofty words, soft smiles and plenty of expectations … That is how we boarded the plane and landed at Dublin airport.
WE? From all over Europe, yes…at least 20 countries (Belgium, UK, Ireland, Poland, France, Spain, etc…): Community managers, Social media managers, Facebookologists (Experts), entrepreneurs, startuppers, …
500 of us ready to share our unique experience on the Menlo park ‘platform’.
On the scale of one to awesome, this was already ‘consistent’ or even… ‘So solid’.
–> All of sudden, we all decided to break into friendly ‘Konishiwa speak‘, like the Kent Jones song of 2016:
She said “Hola, ¿Cómo estás?, she said “Konnichiwa”
She said “Pardon my French”, I said “Bonjour Madame”
The ‘real’ gathering finally took place the day after in the mythical ‘Crock Park’ stadium, slightly on the outskirt of the ‘pretty’ city of Dublin→ Cue the ‘Larger than life’ speakers, often speaking to us, the audience in a ‘TeDEx’-kind-of-way.

(Courtesy of FB Gather Conference 2019)
TeDEx? The world-class conference concept. The lineup was therefore solid and challenging enough:
- First, the ‘queen bee’ herself Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook number 2, COO and entrepreneur extraordinaire. I still have a copy of her latest best-seller and still hope to turn it into a signed book…one day! :))
- Matt clifton, Facebook product marketing lead small and medium business, with interesting insight from a ‘small business perspective’
Shivvy Jervis, tech futurist and broadcaster with an eye firmly set in futurology → Listening to her was akin to touching the future…
The rest of the line up included also Minister of State for EU Affairs in Ireland, the honourable Helen McEntee.

(Courtesy of FB Gather 2019)
Crook park is the ‘mecca’ of gaelic football, a type of football mostly played in Ireland! It is a 70000 seaters stadium filled with history and culture.
In the afternoon, the much-awaited workshops were available for those of us in need of an expert look at a particular issue, be it on Facebook, Instagram or even Whatsapp !!
→ You had an IGTV Masterclass, a Messenger school, ‘Driving innovative thinking’ masterclass, ‘Growing your business internationally’ talk…
All in all in just one day, a ton of Business Intelligence for the ‘woke’ Facebook strategist! As a reminder, the Social Media Digital Inception rest on 5 pillars (6 really) which are :
- Content Strategy (Ex: Editorial vision, paid media, owned media, earn media, …)
- Community strategy (Ex: Location, demographic, behaviour, Community rules,…)
- Growth strategy (Ex: Tools to deploy –> Hootsuite, Buffer, etc… Adverts?)
- GDPR and Data protection strategy (Ex: Identify Data controller vs Data processor,..)
- Monetizing and conversion strategy (Ex: Set your KPI, define your ROI, etc,..)
This is how WE, ADMP got to 40000 Followers in 2 years. Setting-up the most impressive virtual incubator on ‘The Facebook platform’ (Well, ‘we‘ are saying it!). The ‘Digital Inception’ is the path, the ‘Blueprint‘ to build that community.
Unfortunately we could not interact in ‘Real time’ with the speakers in a ‘Facebook-Live’-kind-of-way either, and had to wait for the end of the session, to be able to reach out and question the speaker.
‘Give people the power to federate communities and bring people together’ (FB)
We were able to get most of what we wanted, just by chatting up peoples in the corridors or the stands; We mixed-up with the ‘uber-cool’ IG Team, the dynamic ‘She means Business team’, the knowledgeable ‘Facebook BluePrint team’ ,etc…

Insta-Egg #SuperstAR !! #Most-LikeD! :))
It’s only once we hit our respective hotel rooms that we realized the amount of information that was passed on to us.
A number as overwhelming as the 2 billions connections the Facebook experience could offer today?
2 Billions…????

H. Djoumessi, under the #Occulus Rift 3D Experience !! :))
– “SHeeeeeet !”
(Clay Davis's catchphrase from TV Drama, 'The Wire')
It was a lot !!
Thinking aloud: Life at the apex of such platform could sometimes feel… ‘lonely’?
“ Could you be totally immune to controversy? “ (ADMP)
The simple answer is: History of science and groundbreaking inventions, tells us that you can’t!
-> You cannot be ‘immune to controversy’ with that level of technology innovation and considering the number of people you are serving EVERY DAYS, 24/7/365 !!
And if you dare hesitating, you should always side with the innovation, the creator and not its critics!
- Again: “Sssssssssheeeet ! ” (Sorry for the swear word, but…)
In one single day, we had completely changed my viewpoint on how to best address issues and create strategies on Facebook, IG or Whatsapp, for a truly ‘Data-driven’ business:
1. We had to create better ways to leverage the sheer electricity of the platform.
2. The ‘Digital renaissance’ and subsequent ‘Digital transformation’ will happen through ‘social media tools’ (Like Facebook) that will channel the Data and analytics that will help build your ‘Business Intelligence‘
–> Influencers, and ‘data-driven’ businesses will purely and simply thrive in that environment!
3. On a personal level, it was also about finding out the best way to leverage a Facebook certification process for small businesses that was simple to access, with a streamlined process, and with 3 levels (Beginners, intermediate, expert), including an easy-to-understand process from login to certification.

(Courtesy o BBC News)
A campus is coming to Ireland and with that, a thousand jobs!
Campus means ‘University’, so somehow…I’m already being heard… We now have a place from where we can ‘physically’ better empower startuppers and entrepreneurs. :))
Next ?
A search engine !… Like Google ! But made for exploring Social Media content, deeper !
‘The more the users need or want, and the more you have to create tools ! “
This is the main driving force behind a succesful data-driven business:
You will find and uncover new ‘insights’, or ‘Unknown known‘ from your customers dataset, that will force your business and your team, to react by building even greater and useful products.
→ Keep coming back to this blog and we will drop some of that precious data for your eyes only!
Time to ‘Chillax’…
A party was now necessary! :))
Did we go back into friendly ‘Konnichiwa speak‘, with the rest of the attendees?
– You bet! :
She said “Hola, ¿Cómo estás?, she said “Konnichiwa”
She said “Pardon my French”, I said “Bonjour Madame”
OOh yes and we had a band to entertain us, and boy did they entertain the entire room of 500 peoples!
500 value-creators, 500 ‘influencers’, ‘Data-explorers’, ‘Tech-pioneers’, .. with the ability to create more value for their respective business and communities, once equipped with better tools and processes –> It was a ‘Business Intelligence Party’ !!
Some said that the party carried on in the wee hours of a quiet monday night, in Dublin’s rich and dynamic pub scene….
Well…let’s agree that what happens in Dublin, will have to stay in Dublin, right?
She said “Hola, ¿Cómo estás?, she said “Konnichiwa“…(Kent Jones)

FB#GATHER2019 party in Dublin (Ireland) / #ADMP
As promised, the event offered numerous opportunity to network and exchange with the wider Facebook community. And we are grateful! It was a rare opportunity!
So much so that we, #ADMP received an award from the #FACEBOOK Connect team, as #Facebook Ambassador 2019 !!
Maybe it was the Facebook ‘Big society’ we are experiencing via our 4000 members-strong mother-group, #ADMP –>
(SHOUTOUT TO: #Buzigo, #NLC2, Colivrer, #Zipcoin, #KiroO Games, #Yoostart, #Yapili, #Addoline, #Softbay, #Neoplace, #KeryelByNature, #Henosys, #ICDEC, etc, etc,…Sorry for those ‘omitted’!)
Or maybe, it was that super-connector, Facebook, with its more than 2 billions connections…
It is always nice to be able to meet with your fans, followers, super-fans, super-followers, ambassadors, and even trolls sometimes :))
Thank you ALL for your support, especially Facebook connect, Mark, Sheryl, the entire FB #GATHER2019 community ! :))

(Mireille KOOH Interconnecting with an #ADMPer in Real Life)
… Still: Everything had to be organised if you did not want to lose all the valuable intelligence garnered during the short event.
→ As we all scramble back to our respective countries, in deutsch, english, french, spanish, italian,…
We’ve planned to meet up again on a regular basis, in order to keep the many Facebook groups going, virtually and physically…
→ Data has to be shared!
We definitely felt better equipped and energized to face the platform and support businesses in their many challenges.
We could only thank the Facebook connect teams for their indefatigability, resilience and overall first-class act.
Hola, Holana
Telling me this
And telling me that..She said “Hola, ¿Cómo estás?,
she said “Konnichiwa“…(KJ)
…etc, etc…
Electronic counter-punch by Hermann Djoumessi, MA – #HMD

(Courtesy of ADMPer Beyeme NDjock Winnie)
- Hermann Djoumessi, MA-Fintech social Media Consultant #ADMP
- Mireille KOOH,ADMP Senior Social media analyst
- Nassim Belouar, ADMP Senior Crypto-analyst
- ADMP Webmaster, Founder Vocalang
- Nassym Louradi, entrepreneur, Crypto-analyst
If you like what we do and want to support ADMP and the crypto ecosystem we are trying to build with many startups, then support our effort by tipping us below:
#ADMP on Twitter: #ADMP Awards
#ADMP on Telegram: https://tchannels.me/c/admpawards
#ADMP on Medium: https://medium.com/@admpawards
#ADMP on Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/admpawards
#ADMP on GooGle+: Team ADMP
#ADMP on Whatsapp: #ADMP Projects
#ADMP on Linkeldin : AWARDS ADMP
#ADMP: www.admpawards.biz
I have a fantastic opportunity I’d like to share with you today. Something that will allow you to easily get a lot more high paying local marketing clients and will make servicing them as easy as 1..2..3!
Luke Maguire’s brand new Advertsuite allows you to instantly scan all ads (past and live) on Facebook and find all the ads for a given niche, company or keyword.
This is an absolute game changer for internet marketing in general and local marketing in particular.
Watch the demo video here to see why:
Here’s how you can easily use this to make bank with local marketing.
Step 1.
Perform a search for a niche in a local market, for example “dentists, Spokane”. Filter all the ads by engagements so you can see all the under performing ones.
Step 2.
Contact these companies and tell them they are wasting money on Facebook ads and that you can help them get a much better ROI.
Step 3.
Use Advertsuite to search for their competitor’s ads. You’ll get their target audience, ad copy and even see their landing pages. Copy and implement this information to easily improve your client’s ad campaigns.
You can literally tweak and improve their ads in minutes and get paid big bucks for using other people’s testing and tweaking.
This is a fantastic way to offer an extra service that is easy for your clients to understand and something that will get them instant results.
Since this is so easy to do and almost hands-free on your end, you can sign up unlimited clients.
Unlike with slow SEO work… with Advertsuite you can do work for competing businesses at the same time – it will actually make it easier!
Easy work with almost no time needed also means low cost, huge profits and quick turnover – a welcome change for most local marketers.
Mark my words… This is going to be the next gold rush in local marketing and you want to board this gravy train before it leaves the station!
Get started with Advertsuite today!
To your success,
#Impressive stuff ! :)) –
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What is this ??
Facebook is intended to be a social network. seo optimization tools
What’s your point, sir ??
I enjoy your work, appreciate it for all the useful articles.
** Many Many Thanks!
Please get in touch, here: