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LAST WEEK ON ADMP: We broke down key aspect of Online Electronic Quantum Influence, or Q-Influence

#COVID19 numbers as shown on a screen
</> At the heart of the game lays an INFOSYSTEM : It is the sum of all interactions, information feeds, and connections with other partners, data providers and receivers that are necessary for the survival and growth of the business, organisation, or Q-Influencer.
You will expect that infosystem to be geared towards delivering measurable value to your organisation, business or individual needs.
<:> We have also approached the notion, that the Electronic Quantum influencer will end up managing a big data system that will have to connect with the smart city’s infosystem, in the most harmonious way.
The infosystem will use the blockchain technology, to maintain the integrity of its system by verifying transactions, connections, or indeed conversions.
It’s the foundation of crypto-social Media: A harmonious engineering of Blockchain technology, Big Data management and social media management to serve the Q-Influencer !
->A crypto-social Media foundation, that is calling for: Interoperability with other systems, which is the ability for two or several blockchains systems to communicate together, a key feature of the Blockweb (Blockchain + web) Ecosystem and Infosystem;
Especially, if we want to see the Blockchain technology ‘Space’ evolve a step further, towards mainstream ‘Mass-adoption’.
Especially if you hold that thought throughout reading this blog post or listening to the podcast, below:
According to Amazon (#AWS) Data scientist, Matt Asay, 80 to 85% of Big Data projects never see the light of day !…
> In other words, Big Data or Blockchain projects have an 80% FAILURE RATE !!
A fact also hinted on the podcast below, as per our interview with the United Nations Global expert on Blockchain, Fintech and Regtech, MASSIMO BUONOMO, for the #BDB1 (Blocked-Down Blockchain) podcast!!
LISTEN, LIKE and SHARE !! :))-
PODMAKING & Words: by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ADMP Social Media Consultant

Pic: By Mulugeta Wolde
We took the case of the mother of all Social Media “Shitstorms” engulfing your good name, or brand, or organisation into a TSUNAMI of offensive comments, ‘Memes’ (Or ‘Mind-Viruses), Youtube “reputation-debunking” videos, and downright insults….
Nevertheless, once you’ve picked yourself up, you may want to split the most offensive profiles into different “spheres”:
SPHERE 1/- The “Electronic Haters” >> Don’t bother, they bark a lot, but basically don’t bite – ‘Meme warfare‘ is often the best response to it.
But we will explore SOCIAL MEDIA COUNTER-TACTICS later on this blog.

Pic: By Volkan OLMEZ
SPHERE 2/- The “Beefers”: Or “Electronic Professional Beefers” (#EPB); Which are individuals or groups ‘biological’ (Human) or ‘Automated’ (Bot) that are motivated by the ‘Internet-Of-Beef’, whom according to ‘Electronic Critical thinker’ Vankatesh. RAO could well be propped up by social media platforms algorithm geared towards maximum engagement.
Understanding the notion of ‘Electronic Hive‘ and ‘Electronic tribes is important at this stage of the game.
A Hive, is a collective consciousness shared across small groups or even entire electronic communities online.
For “Collective consciousness“, you can substitute the fact that they simply agree on the same set of values, principles, or idea and are usually ready to proactively defend it, online or even offline, sometimes.
The narrative varies: Sometimes they act as one individual, ‘triggered’ by one idea or concept, through many connections, looking for like-minded individuals.
Moreover, they sometimes have distinct personalities but share their thoughts and values with a community, via some form of electronic communication.
> As a social media professional, we talk about ‘Converging Data Points‘ (or ‘Converging Insights’) when two or several individual profile share the same values and ideas.
Electronic Tribes: Gaming and observing gaming communities like the “Fortniters” or the “Candy Crushers” will lead you to understand those electronic phenomenom in sync. with 21st century habits.

Phone cord by QUINO
SPHERE 3/ The “Genuinely outraged” fans (#GOF) : You will have to care about your fans new needs and wants, address the issue of the day, apologize if necessary.
Use private messaging, chat and DM (‘Direct Message’ on Twitter) to personalize your effort and …and ..yeah…give them a ‘discount’ (ca$h, tee-shirts, etc..) or a ‘pay off’ if necessary, but you don’t have to turn it into ongoing policy either:
The JOB is to bring the HULKING ANGRY FAN from “The incredible HULK”, back to a more ‘rational’ version of self, which is the Dr “Bruce Banner”!!
> Especially if you want to avoid encouraging ‘Online Anti-Social Behaviour’ (#OASB) against you or your brand.
Pic: Christina Wocintech
The “Deep web” (also known as the undernet), consists of data that you won’t locate with a simple Google search, as they were not indexed for search, in the first place.
- The DARK SOCIAL MEDIA or “HIDDEN SOCIAL MEDIA” or “UnderSocial media” is also made of content that does not appear in social media search engine and monitoring tool (Hootsuite, Facebook search, etc…), and rather happen in private DM on twitter, private and secret groups’ on Facebook or #Whatsapp threads.
- Automating messages made by bots, can help too. But you should always use those with caution. >> Human beings always connect better with another human being, than say a ‘machine’ or an ‘algorithm”… (Although some would say…the ‘opposite’ sometimes).
- Too much automation could dehumanize your content, and you might quickly see your overall followers count drop. > In any case test, listen, monitor and learn from your community…. at all times!
- The same goes with using a “KD Burner” (Or “Burner account”) after NBA “Legend” Kevin Durrant, who enjoys having ‘Electronic Last dances’ with fans on Twitter, anonymously:
You can go ‘Dark Social”, or you can go “Deep Social” (=’Undercover’) and should use a ‘Burner account‘ to approach certain types of profiles without attracting attention.
It is fairly efficient to manage crisis or “problematic profiles”, or “media personalities’ who all have several burners accounts, of course : Just ask the “#Kardashians/Jenner familly !
–> You also have the right to sometimes remain “anonymous” on Social media, too !
Social media is now akin to warfare: Electronic Warfare, ‘Cultural Warfare’, “InfoWars“, “Meme Warfare“( Which are considered by some, as ‘Mind Virus‘) but “Warfare” nevertheless…
#CEI: Corporate Electronic Influence >> 21st century corporate practice of cultivating outside influencers for marketing, advocacy and online community building.
#CEI goes two-ways >> It is about cultivating outside and inside Influencers …inside the corporation to:
- Raise awareness on company’s best practices and communication.
Pic: Cristiane TESTON
- Provide ‘role-models’ for colleagues
- Foster in-house entrepreneurs
All this will require the building of an INFOSYSTEM that uses influencers to complete, amplify and spread the corporation’s message. #DigitalInceptioN
To amplify the corporation digital footprint to the wider public and communities, in-house and outside! .

#ADMP ChatboT
ANSWER: You INDEX IT… Data, files, content…You just INDEX IT !
ANSWER: Yeah, but better…you “voice-activate’ it, ‘image-activate’ it… …
ANSWER: No comment!
=/= End of disruption by: #ADMP CHATBOT =/=
A search engine is a software that answer to queries from users in order to display the result of that query to the user; Usually files will be indexed, in order to enable fast response from the search engine….

Pic: Blockchain/Bitcoin architecture at works
On this blog, we believe in ‘human-centrics‘ system depending highly on users feedback loop, in order to increase adoption to the new technology.
We are, therefore, “Human-consensus” based and value “user experience” over “Machine experience”
We understand that algorithm can have “Machine-consensus” that make sense to a machine but is low on user experience.
And we therefore, tilt towards a “Human-consensus”, that tends to human needs, wants, fear and desires.
</> If it’s good for human, then it’s good for machine! The opposite does not have to always be true!
Managing ‘Big Data’ supposes that you are dealing with “Civilizational level of data” – Eric Schmidt, the former Google CEO, said it in 2010:
“Human beings are now producing more data every two days, than the entire humanity in 2000 years! ” (E.Schmidt, Google chairman – 2010)
If we take our cue from Schmidt’s word, Google, or Google’s model, then we come to the conclusion that in the 21st century, until something better is invented or created, to support the human being, a search engine is still the best tool to help “make sense” out of that maze of Big data’.

Whiteboard by H. Djoumessi: representing BIG DATA CHAINTECH Architecture. BIG DATA + BLOCKCHAIN for the Q-Influencer
If you go back to our example in the previous blog post, or the one just above, about Big Data architecture, you would have to add proprietary search engines, or even “Open source” solutions like Lucene Solr, for example… after each stages of the Big data process:
- At Data source level. > You will need a proprietary search engine
- At Data collection level. > You will need a proprietary search engine
- At Data processing level > You will need a proprietary search engine
And you will end up with the ‘Whiteboard’ you can see just above, which integrates #Blockchain technology and proprietary search engines, at the bottom of the drawing.
And this is how you really empower your data scientists and Business Intelligence crew who will be seeking new insights from the ‘Big Data Lake’ or ‘Big Data Warehouse‘ where you store and externalize your Big data set, as explained by Data scientist Maxim ScherbaK.
** REMEMBER !! : According to Amazon (#AWS) Data scientist, Matt Asay, 80 to 85% of Big Data projects never see the light of day !
…And remain in the ‘ looking for ‘Proof-of-Concept’, box for ever… > In other words, Big Data projects have an 80% FAILURE RATE !!
You then extract value from your BIG DATA SET, from your Business Intelligence, Vizualisation dashboards, and predictive analytics.
When using SEARCH ENGINES, you will have to modelize a Business model or a decision-model based on Keywords value, but also ‘Videos Value’ or further down the line, ‘Memes value’..
A Decision Model is an intellectual template for perceiving, organizing, and managing the business logic behind a business decision.
> Not-for-profit organisations can also build and create Decision-models, of course!
You can explore keywords, via keywords explorer nowadays >
The act of building a business model, based on keywords value and analytics, is called KEYWORDSNOMICS
The act of building a business model, based on VIDEO value and analytics, is called VIDEONOMICS.
It comes from the famous/infamous #Youtuber, Tai Lopez who has more than 1.3 million YouTube subscribers on his channel and created a video called:
“Here In My Garage (Official): Lamborghini, Knowledge, And Books With Tai Lopez” which has more than 65 million views.
It made Tai into an online ‘celebrity’ and mostly a great income! – Mr Lopez is worth $60 M., according to some reports –
>< YES, The video was then mocked, ‘Meme’d’ and derided, by ‘Haters’ and ‘Beefers’…but mostly it was successfully re-used and re-made by countless Electronic sales teams, youtube ‘Guru’ – and unfortunately, scammers, too ! – around the world, and in different languages !!
No need to look for a Business develloper with a new CV and shinny ‘Diploma’, a Business model he and she can execute is exactly what you are after! The rest (?), is “Litterature’ (ADMPer)
“GOOGLE ME ! “ was a sentence ‘non-officially’ coined by the Likes of David Beckham or Dr Shaquillle O’Neal, aka ‘The Big Aristotle’ …
When you effectively Google somebody or a brand” … The Google SERP Search Engine Research Page) has several features on display, when you enter a company’s name, or an individual’s name, as seen above with the company and crypto currency, #MonerO.
- PUNCH: Some results will link to ‘Positive content’ for the Inluencer/Brand or…
- COUNTERPUNCH: Some results will link to ‘Negative content’ or content triggering negative sentiment or emotion towards the Influencer/Brand.

Another examples of social media Big data concern is of course, the FULL SPECTRUM PUNCH which is the result of a Digital Inception, or online campaign organized and planned by the Influencer to push out its content and sometimes even “change paradigm”
Here is a good example, as illustrated in the US online theater (#USOT) in banking, through the now infamous #VOLFEFE index:
“We can use this dataset to perform a supervised machine learning exercise — specifically we can train a classifier to infer how likely each tweet is to move markets,” the JP Morgan bank said.

Pic: Serguei KUTUZOV
>> it is literally…” When your tweet move the needle of History’ – When your Social Media digital inception enables the Q-Influencer, to “call-to-action a community online, and offline”, or even change, “shift paradigm” and disrupt social networks, like Donald J. Trump did with Twitter and Facebook, from 2015 until now….
The term “paradigm shift” was first coined by US philosopher Thomas Kuhn (1922- 1996). In his seminal work, “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” (1962).
A paradigm shift occurs when one paradigm theory is replaced by another. Here are some examples:
Newtonian physics to Einstein physics or the creation of the World Wide web in 1991, to the launch of the Wireless World wide web, in 2019….Or… the “Great smartphone disruption” of June 29, 2007, etc…
FULL SPECTRUM INFLUENCE= “When your tweet move the needle of your Industry’ (#ADMP)
Investment bank, JP Morgan has linked ‘the Donald J. Trump, US President’ tweets’ with the stock market index

Is it Lady or just some zebra lines ? Pic: By Liane
The simple fact that the serious investment bank, JP Morgan took the USA presidential tweets as an important disruptor of the stock- market, installed DJT as one of the greatest electronic troll of a generation!
–> JP Morgan’s newly built “Volfefe” index – a nod to “#Covfefe,” the mysterious word coined by Donald Trump in an unfinished 2017 tweet
– The JP Morgan machine, analyzes a sample of recent tweets to judge how much effect the president’s tweets have had on stock market volatility.
–> Somehow the Index probably failed to forecast the current ‘Covid crash’ and crisis, having said that …. or it didn’t, did it (?)
Two weeks later, Democratic representative Mike Quigley filed legislation titled the Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement (Also known as ‘COVFEFE’) Act. –
The bill would amend the Presidential Records Act to cover social media, thus requiring tweets and other social media posts by the U.S. president to be preserved under law.
In May 17, 2018, US president DJT jokingly said “I hear covfefe, in response to the Yanny or Laurel meme”
>> … Social media and electronic feeds, thus entered US presidential records….
#POTUS: President Of The United States
</> Politics, business, sports, whatever you want will never be the same:
When it comes to #POTUS electronic feeds, and infosystems > They are both becoming ‘official’, legal and now part of the US nation’s historical records.
</> Quantum influencer willing to go “all the way to the top” should aspire to achieve that feat, wherever they are on ‘planet earth’! > Become a ‘protected or verified feed’ !
While the bot’s “utility in scoring any given tweet is somewhat limited,” the bank said the findings, the data, the analytics, will help to “construct statistical aggregates — a Twitter-vol index — with which to monitor and quantify shifts in the market environment.” concluded the bank statement.
Here you go!
You’ve got it! << #POTUS is now a true Electronic Opinion-maker! >>
REMEMBER that Q-INFLUENCERS: Will also use search engines to improve user experience within your infosystem and build Blockchain technology to keep the integrity and verifiability of your Big dataset.
- NEXT ARTICLE: We will cover some SOCIAL MEDIA STORM COUNTER-TACTICS. Drop us your best tactics here :
Do not forget to DOWNLOAD our podcast, blessed by the presence of Massimo BUONOMO, the UN Expert for Blockchain, Regtech and Fintech!
LISTEN, LIKE and SHARE !! :))-
PODMAKING & Words: by Hermann Djoumessi, MA
#ADMP Social Media Consultant
#Bitcoin is still valued around $9,374 and therefore has no known “Killer switch” to TURN IT OFF, in times of crisis, NOR is it correlated to stock-market freefalls… So, basically, ‘The Internet is still… UNDEFEATED, folks !!’
- Mireille KOOH,ADMP Senior Social media analyst
- Nassim Belouar, ADMP Senior Crypto-analyst
- Hermann Djoumessi, MA Avatars HD Avatars
- Winnie Beyeme Avatar
- ADMP Webmaster, Founder Vocalang
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