Posted by Mireille Kooh on / 6 Comments
LESSONS FOR XX1st century technology watchers: Internet-Of-Things → By definition, all IOT entrepreneurs, should come and try its new devices in Africa, where he or she would be ‘guaranteed’ a faster growth! Thanks to its wide pool of ‘early adopters’, ‘tech enthusiasts’ coupled with the authorities overall ‘Laissez-faire’ and sometimes support, Africa has a card to play!
But it must play it the RIGHT way and almost ‘Let the game come to you’ as ‘coach’ phil Jackson, would put it; in many words, ‘Let the Entrepreneur, Be!’, ‘Stop over-regulating’ and be prepared to experiment, even if you ‘don’t like it’… even if it goes against current regulation!
→ Since the AfrOtech continent, as an experimentation, does not have the legacy of other continents, organisations, systems,…in order to create economic growth it does not need to hang on to the rules of the old paradigm’ and as a result, can simply jump or leap into the ‘New tech paradigm’ without regrets, and maybe ahead of everyone else!
That is the theory behind the Great Afrotech Leap’ and this is what Cedric Moudze and #NAMSOFT want you to understand each times, you throw away another PC, or mobile devices,…
Electronic Counter-Punch (ECP) by H. Djoumessi, MA. #ADMP Senior Social Media analyst –
1. ADMPAwards: hello Cedric Moudze ! Can you introduce yourself ?
My name is Eric moudze, i am a network engineer and founder of #NAMSOFT, a startup with an aim: We recycle IT equipment through technology.
2- ADMPawards: What motivated you to create NAMSOFT? And, before you answer that, why the choice of such a peculiar name, as ‘NAMSOFT’?
If you translate ‘NAMSOFT’ from the Bandjoun (Bamiléké) dialect « Ghɔmálá’ », it means ‘Stuff from the machine’. Which is what motivated this project, in the first place. As a student, i never understood why I.T. kit was thrown away, whilst at the same times, i could not afford a computer, be it a PC or a MAC!
3- ADMPawards: Tell us if your startup or concept, will help save the world or simply solve any ‘real-life’, problems?
The NAMSOFT project has been designed to make computers available to anyone at a cost-effective price, whilst reducing pollution of the DEE and educating the people via technology.
4- ADMPawards: Startupers have to think ‘GLOCAL’, we always say that to entrepreneurs. It is one of those unwritten rules of this internet age → If your solution was thought Locally, you have to act Globally, if your solution was thought Globally, you have to act Locally’ as pinpointed in this Telegraph post. How do you work with the competition on the world market, to satisfy the African market??
We do multiply partnerships with businesses wishing to rebuild their IT equipment, we also resell some of our machines, via online platforms.
5- ADMPawards : What types of products do you recycle ?
We do recycle wastes from electronic and electric kits (DEEE) –> As far as details go..the obvious parts come from laptops, desktops, hard drives, etc.
6- ADMPawards: We were told that you are interested in the IOT. Or Internet-Of-Things. Can you share with us your opinion about the IOT in Cameroun and Africa?
IOT will reach the 2 billion dollars mark by 2020. This market will explode and create the next tech giants in Africa and elsewhere: It will solve a lot big issues in Cameroon, as far as security, analytics, ID, clouds…
Final users will be much more empowered in Africa, than anywhere else, as there is little legacy structure to overcome: We have seen that with the high speed of Mobile Money adoption, versus the rest of the globe!
7- ADMPawards: True that! It is a lesson for the XX1st century tech watchers: Little legacy structure in Africa, meant faster adoption rates, into the new economy!→ Let’s verify #NAMSOFT’s numbers: What is your customer-base, month-on-month, then ?
Our monthly customer-base is 10 to 20 clients-deep at the moment, for diverse products and services.
In order to satisfy the global market, we are offering a wide spectrum of services, sub-divided in three main areas: I.T. recycling, certified training and data management: From hardware to software.
8- ADMPawards: And the beat goes on… A successful ‘organic’ digital inception, works better with ‘Win-Win’ online partnership: Which partners do you work with, to develop your business in the long term? ?
Our strategy in the long run, is to break the wall of consumption in Africa, with a greener I.T. (Information Technologies), which respects the ‘3RE’ (Source Reduction, Recycling, Re-usage, Empowerment). We have partnered-up with strong organisations, like Will & Brothers, #Ngueti IT Solutions & ADMPer #KiroO’ Games.
9- ADMPawards : Word! – What is your vision of ADMP?
ADMP is a platform for young entrepreneur, that we use as a springboard to fame and fortune. :))– No kidding! We are proud to be featured here and have deep respect for the work ADMP is doing! You’re having a huge impact on many entrepreneurs.
10- ADMPawards: Never so many Startupers, have been impacted by so few community managers’ #Thanks. :))- Final words to Businesses and Start-Ups communities in Africa and elsewhere ?
To be a startupper demands that you do dream bigger. You have to believe in achieving higher aims, and mostly ‘don’t worry be happy’ whatever the result. I big up all the great entrepreneurs and startupers who are inspiring us and acting as leading lights in those treacherous path of entrepreneurship → More than anything, i’ve come to believe the startupper paradigm: ‘Only a startupper can shape its own future’!
Many Thanks, you are far too kind!
#NAMSOFT will partner-up with #ADMP to help you win goodies! If you live in Cameroon, go to twitter or Facebook and RT or post a message with the following hashtags: #ADMP #NAMSOFT – The profile with the most retweet will win tee-shirts, USB keys and heavy discount on laptop buying (20 & 30%) via NAMSOFT!
#NAMSOFT et #ADMP sont partenaires pour vous faire gagner des Lots ! Etes-vous résidents au Cameroun ? Allez sur Twitter ou Facebook et Retweetez ou postez un message avec les hashtags suivants : #ADMP #NAMSOFT. Le profil avec le plus de retweets gagnera des Tee-Shirts, clés et et baisse sur le prix d’achat d’un ordinateur portable (20% & 30 %) avec NAMSOFT
Website : http://www.namsoft.org
Facebook page :
Twitter account : https://twitter.com/CedricMoudze
Send mail to: teamadmp@gmail.com
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#NAMSOFT: L ‘espoir des jeunes entrepreneurs africains. une initiative qui pourrait devenir gigantesque si on y invesitssait davantage.
Excеllent article. I ϲertainly appreciate tһis website.
Keeρ it up!
Many many thanks!
Which part did you like the most ??
Many Thanks! What’s your business?