Posted by Hermann DJOUMESSI on / 0 Comments
1. TRUST ?
Whether you are paying bills, invoices, insurance contracts, private keys, wills … It may be wise to drop your private documents in a digital vault, available from anywhere. And Timebox could just help you achieve that aim !
TEXT: Nassim bellouar, ADMP Senior Crypto Analyst. EDITED by: H. Djoumessi, MA – Crypto Social Media Consultant
Most tools used by the general public to save their digital data are limited; Especially when it comes to protect the durability and the longevity of digital information.
Some might remember that the DVD was supposed to last for ever, if not at least, 30 years! ⇒ It NEVER happened!
-What are you using?
-A USB Key?
-An external ‘Cloud’ solution?
-100% Hackers-proofed?
– We doubt it!

(Courtesy of Franck Veschi)
“No physical device, currently marketed, can guarantee good Data safety, beyond 5 or 10 years.” ⇒ All this, whilst many users have already experienced both physical and virtual “crash” of their hard drive, resulting in the permanent loss of the data that have been previously stored.
CD roms or DVD had a short-life, come to think of it, plus, give it a decade, and they will probably have completely vanished in oblivion, as we explained, earlier.
New storage technology in Shenzhen and elsewhere, are being created or invented, as we ‘speak’.
As we are writing this Blog, if you prefer…

(Courtesy of Timebox)
Also remember that in the 1980s, 20st century computer data was stored on floppy disks, to be replaced in the 1990s, by rigid floppies ⇒ Two medias that are not any more readable by the latest computers on the market …
Or maybe, we all swallowed the marketings propaganda like “Sheeps”, without reading the ‘small prints’ and ‘Disclaimers’ at the back of the DVD or CD-Rom box?
“How one does make sure that your private bitcoin keys, electronic invoices or wills do not disappear overnight?”

(Courtesy of Alex Wong)
In insurtech language, you would call it, intangible assets ⇒ Those assets with no real physical presence. Like ‘Cyber virus and softwares, …like … copyrights and copyleft,…
Most companies more or less understand, the risk of losing valuable documents nowadays. Your average startup will have procedures in place, to prevent Data breach, and implement Data recovery setup (Cloud-based Backups, etc..) after a cyber attack! However, little do they know to what extent, looking for them in the first place, could cost you dearly!
… Did you know, for example, that according to the Information and Management Association (IMA):
an employee spends an average of 7:30 hours per week looking for information, paper or digital, without finding it?
The IMA, also observed that one in four companies know that it will take at least a month, to find all the necessary documents, in the event of an audit.
And over time, the delay used to go looking for documents, can only go??
‘Up! :
…Each year, a company produces 50% of paper documents and 60% of additional digital files, and invariably leads to duplicate production.

(Courtesy of Niklas Rhose)
The impact of such a lack of content management, affects the productivity of employees and therefore the profitability of the company, the startup, or the innovative business.
Bought by software giant, #Microsoft, a while ago in May 2011, for $8.5 Billions, it was one of the ‘coolest’ unicorn and technology system out there in the Social Media sphere: It almost reached ‘AwesomenesS’ !!
Over time, it lost its competitive edge and settled back into the ‘normal’ ranks and got ‘JA RULED’ by better products (Whatsapp, Messenger, Hangouts, etc..) ⇒ Do you remember, when #SKYPE used to be great?
‘Whatever happened to SKYPE:
Should it be avoided?
They’ve lost their edge, it seems, and have lost their core fan-base, too: Skype does not have the same impact onto the tech-loving community, as it used to be.

(Courtesy of Kona Studio)
For example, 10 years ago, a telecom operator needed three weeks to transfer a subscriber’s file from one branch to another, in the case of a home move.
Today, it MIGHT TAKE UP to three months of delay. And moreover, the information transferred today is less complete and reliable, than it used to be: Simply because if the transfer request is made electronically, it is actually processed manually!! Some companies would even refuse to send ‘sensitive’ information to customers who request it, simply because they could not find it anymore!
The data are gone or stored in a completely obsolete format !! ⇒ Try to obtain a 2004 mobile phone bills, by any of the current mobile operators, if you do not believe us!
As a safe online, secured solution for Data storage, Timebox has emerged as the ultimate digital vault. A digital vault available to all. It is a Freemium online services, with costs going up as soon as you add options to your personal space. The safe is a secure online bank account that you access by entering your username and password.
In order to send a file (text, spreadsheet, photo …), all you need to do, is to simply transfer it to the safe, directly from your computer or smartphone…
…More on this fascinating subject of Data storage, next week on this BLOG.
⇒ Stay ‘awake’ and follow Nassim belouar, here!
- Hermann Djoumessi, MA-Fintech social Media Consultant #ADMP
- Mireille KOOH,ADMP Senior Social media analyst
- Nassim Belouar, ADMP Senior Crypto-analyst
- ADMP Webmaster, Founder Vocalang
- Nassym Louradi, entrepreneur, Crypto-analyst
TEXT: Nassim bellouar, ADMP Senior Crypto Analyst. EDITED by: H. Djoumessi MA – Crypto Social Media Consultant.
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